mardi 13 février 2007

I've just finished my Everlasting Gobstopper!

I usually can't remember my dreams.

I talk to Jesus in my last dream remembered, he was a postcard of a drunken hippie, when I asked him about god this is what he told me :

Rocking Horsefly: So. Jesus right?. Does god exists indeed?

Jesus: "mmmmmmm" (he doubt it a LOT) "yeah?" he claims (like asking a question though).

Rocking Horsefly: Well now that god exists, which one of the religions or deities or whatever is the "real" one?

Jesus: "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"


A Gummi Bear attempting to reach a milligram honeycomb.
HMMM. He doesn't know the paper bees are drawn with gold and uranium charcoal pencils.

Sting Sting Sting

There goes the gummi bear running towards the sapphire river.
Nicholas Flamel used his famous Hoax
to turn him into Gold
The paper bees are dodged,
but the tummy its now gone.

A partial broken technicolor brushed gecko egg. Fig1.

Fig1.The priamary stratagem to recreate a philosopher's stone.

It's frustrating when you finish it.

1 commentaire:

Good Mourning a dit…

un gorille blanc
ou un éléphant rose qui chante "all you need is love"