mardi 13 février 2007

I've just finished my Everlasting Gobstopper!

I usually can't remember my dreams.

I talk to Jesus in my last dream remembered, he was a postcard of a drunken hippie, when I asked him about god this is what he told me :

Rocking Horsefly: So. Jesus right?. Does god exists indeed?

Jesus: "mmmmmmm" (he doubt it a LOT) "yeah?" he claims (like asking a question though).

Rocking Horsefly: Well now that god exists, which one of the religions or deities or whatever is the "real" one?

Jesus: "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"


A Gummi Bear attempting to reach a milligram honeycomb.
HMMM. He doesn't know the paper bees are drawn with gold and uranium charcoal pencils.

Sting Sting Sting

There goes the gummi bear running towards the sapphire river.
Nicholas Flamel used his famous Hoax
to turn him into Gold
The paper bees are dodged,
but the tummy its now gone.

A partial broken technicolor brushed gecko egg. Fig1.

Fig1.The priamary stratagem to recreate a philosopher's stone.

It's frustrating when you finish it.

mercredi 7 février 2007

-Dissection of a Ghostwriter's Ulnar Nerve-

Reclaim the access, purify the heart, dismiss your idol and Breathe in sequences.
Follow me, follow you. Let’s start:

Surplus ice cream appendages growing over wild gummy animals.
Gooey rainbows and chocolate fishes jumping towards the sun.

Jet-black winged rabbits tasting hoary snowflakes.
Bittersweet chords and cotton candy feathers.

Amputated damselflies and amber silhouette nightmares.
Jelly poison vipers and a parasite lament’s echoes.

Narwhale excrement crosses and mental stingrays trespassing our ribcage.
Pine Car freshener’s smell and cut up toes nailed in a crucifix made out of its trunk.

A vampire's fat skin and sparkling luciferin volumetric stars.
Porphyria fireflies and Bethlehem raped sharp carpels.

Oedema diaphragm balloons carrying 4 Siamese ferrets and a magenta polar bear.
The fallacy of vicarious dreams where a Boa constrictor digests an Elephant.

Breathe in:
A rapturous romance between a teal colored honeybee and a giant floating rock called TSUKI.
Breath out:
The Human Body.

lundi 5 février 2007

~ Carnis Traditio ~

Senderos inexplicables sujetan el paso de las luciérnagas. A pesar de su falta de extremidades, siempre están ansiosas de oscuridad. En la amargura de su ausencia encuentro ridículos los movimientos circulares que describen la posición de su motricidad atrofiada y su innegable ímpetu por deshacerse del pecado de Leviatán.

El entendimiento encapsula la condena y refresca el desenfreno de la procreación injustificada. La relación de intimidad es solo la prueba del desenfreno lujurioso, insípido, graso y afligido de la realidad.

Quien decidió que el abrazo del deseo acariciara mis mas profundos pensamientos?
Yo revelo su autentica falta de apetito, mientras me alejo me despido, mientras caigo alzo vuelo, mientras tanto…
…estoy dormido.

Ahora entiendes porque estoy muerto? Y entiendes que no solo la carne descompuesta evidencia su llegada. Fallecí el día en que nací, gracias a la prudencia de mi bienhechora.

Ahora solo encuentras el cuerpo.
Después hallaras su sangre.